This section of CX portal is dedicated to companies that are active in the field of Commercial Excellence. Most of them will have a broader focus then Commercial Excellence. We have classified them into 5 different categories 1) Management Consultancy 2) Independent Software Vendor (ISV) 3) System Integrator (SI) 4) Learning & Development and 5) Institutions.
If you miss a specific company in this directory then please use the button below to suggest an addition.
Learning & Development
Pharma Blog - tools & Training to help you grow
The Actando website has a blog with various post with a life sciences/ pharmeceuticals perspective.Arthur D. Little
Management Consultancy
Marketing & Sales
The Arthur D. Little website contains a section with “Insights on Marketing and Sales”, which is a Content Marketing portal that contains three types of articles: 1) Publication Prisms, 2) […]B2B Revenue
Learning & Development
B2B Revenue Leadership
Website hosted by Brian G. Burns to market his four podcasts, his blog, and his training courses.Bain & Company
Management Consultancy
A Customer-Centric Approach to Commercial Excellence
The Bain website contains a section with “Insights on Sales and Marketing”, which is is a Content Marketing Portal with various articles distributed over 8 sections: 1) B2B Go-to-Market, 2) […]Blueprint
Learning & Development
blueprint Management Consultants Europe
blueprint Management Consultants Europe is a commercial consultancy that helps unleash the potential of individuals, teams, and organizations. blueprint prides itself on approaching clients with blended learning platforms for all […]Celonis
Celonis for Opportunity Management
Celonis usesr process and task mining to visually reconstruct the Opportunity Management process from transactional system data (event logs). It automatically identifies ineffiencies and assesses quality. It is therefore classified […]Commerzial
Management Consultancy
Commerzial - Our Services
Commerzial helps global companies improve sales and marketings results and customer interations throughout any level of any organization. Help create a path towards commercial excellence and improve profitability, efficiency and […]Deloitte
Management Consultancy
Customer & Marketing
The Deloitte website contains a section with “Insights on Customer and Marketing”, which is a Content Marketing Portal with various articles distributed over 6 sections 1) Customer & Marketingt 2) […]Digimind
Consumer Insight
DigiMind provides intelligence software to help to fully understand consumer insights, the competitive environment, and the market trends. It is classfied as a Sales Expert that helps on Marketing Campaign […]L.E.K.
Management Consultancy
Commercial Excellence Strategy, Best Practices
The L.E.K. website explains their prorpeitary framework, and provide several Customer cases. The L.E.K. framework consist of three main components: 1) Customer Targeting and Value Proposition 2) Go-to-Market & Commercial […]