
  • The Actando website has a blog with various post with a life sciences/ pharmeceuticals perspective.
  • By using a solution from Anaplan, Vodafone is basing their Sales Planning om the most up-to-date data available from their sales funnel in CRM. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Expert that helps to create an accurate Sales Plan. It has brought together Sales, Finance and Operations to collaborate and plan using the same data and has provided a faster and more automated sales planning as a result.
  • By using a solution from Anaplan, Activision is managing their trade promotions planning by giving their planners real-time accurate data. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Assistent that helps to bring together all relevant data, and eliminates the tasks of a planner that were previously done in a manual spreadsheet. It has helped Activision to increase their planner producivity.
  • Ann is a speaker, author, and member of the LinkedIn influencer program as well as the world's first Chief Content Officer. Cited in Forbes as the most influential woman in Social Media and recognized by ForbesWoman as one of the top 20 women bloggers Ann Handley's currently holds responsibility for professional education and training content for MarketingProfs.
  • By using a solution from App Annie, LinkedIn is able to identify and understand trends in the 'app' marketplace (what applications are popular, by who, etc.). This case is therefore classified as a Sales Coach that helps with Marketing Planning. It helps LinkedIn to increase their understanding of apps in demand.
  • The Arthur D. Little website contains a section with "Insights on Marketing and Sales", which is a Content Marketing portal that contains three types of articles: 1) Publication Prisms, 2) Reports and 3) Viewpoints
  • By using a solution from Aviso, Silver Peak is able to forecast revenue based on patterns in data. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Expert that helps with Forecasting. It helps Silver Peak to improve their forecasting accuracy and makes their business outcome more predictable.
  • Website hosted by Brian G. Burns to market his four podcasts, his blog, and his training courses.
  • The Bain website contains a section with "Insights on Sales and Marketing", which is is a Content Marketing Portal with various articles distributed over 8 sections: 1) B2B Go-to-Market, 2) Brand & Customer Strategy, 3) Consumer Sales & Ecosystem, 4) Customer Value Management, 5) Digital Marketing 6) Marketing 7) Pricing and 8 Product & Portfolio Managemeent
  • blueprint Management Consultants Europe is a commercial consultancy that helps unleash the potential of individuals, teams, and organizations. blueprint prides itself on approaching clients with blended learning platforms for all commercial skills, extensively trained seasoned commercial professionals, as well as tailored content, delivery and materials reflecting each company's culture, vocaublary and aesthetic
  • Brian Burns' personal LinkedIn profile promoting his podcasts, his books, website, and training courses. Also includes all of his education and work history as well as professional endorsements and recommendations.
  • Celonis usesr process and task mining to visually reconstruct the Opportunity Management process from transactional system data (event logs). It automatically identifies ineffiencies and assesses quality. It is therefore classified as a Sales Expert that helps in Opportunity Management.
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