
  • By using a solution from Tact, Kelly Services is able to document their customer interactions via real-time activity tracking. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Assistant that helps with (Key) Account Managent. It helps Kelly Services to reduce admin time for sellers whilst improving data entry and deeper visibility into sales activity as a result.
  • By using a solution from, Pharma companies have been able to maximize the value of getting in contact with doctors, either remotely or in person by simplifying the interaction. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Assistant that helps with (Key) Account Managent. This allowed management to handle their logistics in a more effecient and collaborative way and as a consquence enhance their CRM.
  • Size: approximately 598 members (May 2021) Activity Level: Irregular - 1-2 posts a month Summary: Community of Australian B2B sales leaders, sales operations specialists, global experts, and select capability providers. Seeks out the latest trends, technology, research and sales practices that are fresh and cutting edge to the sales industry CSE is the starting point for leaders seeking to accelerate sales operational excellence. Helps 'sales' become a legitimate, highly respected profession and for Australian sales organizations to reflect these best practices
  • By using a solution from Troops, Intercom is able to push relevant insights to Sales in a variety of areas (data entry, lead management, sales coaching). As the primary process they have been using this for is Lead Management, this case is classified as a Sales Coach that helps with Lead Management. It helps Intercom to do their Lead Management more efficiently and improve their data quality.
  • By using a solution from Troops, Stack Overflow is able to manage their contract renewal process much more effectively by providing insights on what action is needed at what time. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Coach that helps with Contract Management. It helps Stack Overflow to increase renewal rates and reduce admin time.
  • By using a solution from Tubular, Spin Master is adapting their Marketing content strategy on insights from data (video intelligence). This case is therefore classified as a Sales Coachs that helps to adapt content strategy to the latest trends and provides a benchmark. It has helped Spin Master to increase their engagement rate on Marketing Content.
  • By means of Robotic process automation (RPA) solutions UiPath automates the interactions of customers with your contact center end-to-end. It claims to automates those steps where human interaction does not (yet) add value and provided the right insights to te contact center employee at the right time. Their solutions can therefore be classified as a Sales Assistant that gives customer insights.
  • By using a solution from UIPath, CXP now using automation to help it in achieveing excellent CRM and even anticipate customer needs beforehand. This means that they could pre handle the customer calls making them faster in complying their needs. CXP provides outsourced contact centers for some of the UK biggest brands. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Assistant that gives customer insights for customer case handling. The calls have been shortened and became more personalized reulting in better rating and effecient CRM.
  • By using a solution from, Groupon is able to schedule the optimal contact cadence that helps them to close more contracts. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Coach that helps to presribe the next best action on Opportunities.
  • Zilliant provides cloud-native price optimization and management and sales guidance software. Zilliant Sales IQ helps sales people to recommend the right product to the right customer. Zilliiant Price IQ helps to recommend sales people the right pricing in the right situation. Their solution is classified as a Sales Coach that helps with CPQ.
  • By using Zilliant solutions, Metro France is tackling their pricing challenges that emerge from their process complexity and customer demand. They need to have a personalized price and product recommendations for their customers. With the help of Zilliant MetroFrance idenntifies white spaces and optimizes pricing. This case is therefore classified as a Sales Coach that helps in CPQ. It has allowed them to improve the customer experience by providing easy solutions to the customers to answer their needs and grow market share per customer.
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